FREE to be Me ...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The difference between HARD and HARD WORK
Tasks are often time consuming - requiring thought, calculation, and effort. But that does not make them HARD. It only means that you must commit to do something - That you must work.
Sometimes I find myself expecting too many shortcuts. I want that "Just add water" trick to apply in life situations. I look for strategies that don't involve work, but are more like a color by number. . . A self explanatory, and almost mindless activity that will produce the results that I want. I am learning to recognize a specific attitude that takes over. It sound like this: "I am busy, over-tasked, under supported, and the idea of having to dig deep into something in excruciating detail with painstaking effort makes my skin crawl." And it is called lazy - most likely developed by being spoiled and overly blessed. I like to pretend that the short cuts are for efficiency and time-management . . . but it is an excuse to avoid work.
And work is not torture after all. It is reality. It is simply doing, initiating, creating or trying. A privilege in fact! The mind is what makes us believe it is HARD. Tasks are not usually unbearable - it is the deciding to do them that is agonizing. I think of phone calls I don't want to make or I mull over repetitive chores that must be done. In these scenarios what is the HARD part? Is picking up a phone and dialing numbers difficult? I only call them hard because I don't want to do them.
I am not saying that there is no such thing as a hard job. Manual labor that pushes you beyond your physical limits, or paperwork that is complex and seems to be incomprehensible... those are hard things to accomplish - but are they hard to work on? After an honest look inside myself I find that hard work is good whether the task is hard or not.
Working hard is a must, but it isn't hard.
If I am not willing to expend the time, effort, and resources to work (properly and comprehensively without taking the easy way) I have no room to wonder why I was unsuccessful. And no justification in believing I deserve success. The result is not guaranteed.
I am learning:
"Do not pray for lighter burdens - Pray for stronger backs and a stronger will"
"If a job is worth doing, someone will say it is too hard."
"Effort is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile."
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
On the Fourth of July, I will raise a flag
and speak with adoration
"I'm proud to be an American,
and I honor this great nation"
I wonder how many still support this idea
Citizens like me
Are there those who will remember
and are grateful to be free
"My flag stays in its box this year,"
says a friend of mine, with rage
"The terrible shape this country’s in,
we all live in a cage.
On our land like a giant stain.
Politicians have caused a loss
our government will never regain."
Cynical words spread fear and doubt
which drain the people's strength
Are we our own traitors
Will we fail ourselves at length?
Men were once united by liberty
not torn by every storm
They fought for freedom and their lives
boys in uniform
Here and now the policies change
On propositions we disagree
But our basic rights are ever present
Independence we can see
Our founding father's views are challenged
but do we dare compare
All we have with the rest of the world
I can thank God in prayer
How are we representing the American way
I hope you find yours out in your yard
Proudly raising Old Glory.