FREE to be Me ...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I have really been looking forward to the 4th of July Holiday this year. Patriotism is a comfort to me when the Pessimism of "economic instability" and "government policy" daily surround us. There are many aspects about our country that leave me discouraged or confused, but Independence Day traditions give me a little peace of mind. I was raised knowing that being an American is a privilege - That Freedom is to be cherished. I have fond memories of parades filled with Red,white and blue banners. I anticipate the splendor of fireworks. I have a sincere appreciation for veterans. I have a deep love for American Songs. So while in this nostalgic state-of-mind I want to use poetry to express where my heart is on the matter:
On the Fourth of July, I will raise a flag
and speak with adoration
"I'm proud to be an American,
and I honor this great nation"
I wonder how many still support this idea
Citizens like me
Are there those who will remember
and are grateful to be free
"My flag stays in its box this year,"
says a friend of mine, with rage
"The terrible shape this country’s in,
we all live in a cage.
On our land like a giant stain.
Politicians have caused a loss
our government will never regain."
Cynical words spread fear and doubt
which drain the people's strength
Are we our own traitors
Will we fail ourselves at length?
Men were once united by liberty
not torn by every storm
They fought for freedom and their lives
boys in uniform
Here and now the policies change
On propositions we disagree
But our basic rights are ever present
Independence we can see
Our founding father's views are challenged
but do we dare compare
All we have with the rest of the world
I can thank God in prayer
How are we representing the American way
I hope you find yours out in your yard
Proudly raising Old Glory.
posted by Jake and RaNette Free at 12:31 AM
Yep, that made me cry. Very beautiful and poignant. I was just noticing when I read those poems you wrote for Jake and Dad that you are really good with poetry. I have never really noticed before. Kudos. Yep, you can sit by me.
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