FREE to be Me ...

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Rain, there has been a lot of it! I made a point to listen for people talking about it today. I would say I heard between 10 and 15 separate conversations about it. Funny huh! Some casually mention it, others present their opinion about if we have had enough or not, a few who made comparisons about how much has come this year as apposed to last year. Sound familiar?

It turns out that it is not only fun to listen to the rain, but fun to listen to people comment about the rain. :)

When I went outside today and felt the rain pouring from the sky, I didn't look down, or fold my arms for protection, or walk more quickly to my car, as I normally would - or as a person almost instinctively does. I looked up and it tried to watch it come down..... it poked me in the eye..... but that wasn't really my point. hahaha. It was kind of fun to walk at a normal pace and actually feel it pouring. So when you are walking out of Walmart or the grocery store this week and the rain is coming down, just keep your head up and and walk normal - you're going to get wet anyway - so notice how it sound and how it feels --- and then notice all the people around you looking at you like you are kind of a nut. Good Times :)
posted by Jake and RaNette Free at 9:43 PM


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