FREE to be Me ...
Friday, February 26, 2010
Ah, the ways in which we influence others ...
We all have them - Struggles that linger and take over our minds and hearts for a while. At certain times in our lives they seem extra challenging and we allow them to affect us more than they should. As I witnessed her at a breaking point and took a moment to relate, I simply had no words. I wanted to lend the comfort that others have given me. I wanted to offer something, but I could only think it. Knowing where she was at could not help her unless I could express that in some way. I came up short on advice, wisdom, or even a response. After a few heavy moments - not awkward, just heavy - my hubby stepped in. He knew what was up, but was separate from the cloud we were sitting in. He came up with something random and made an un-intentioned suggestion. He directed the question at her "Wanna go shoot an orange?" The deep thoughtfulness on her face turned to a quizzical expression and she said "Yup."
He went in the kitchen, grabbed an orange, and they went outside with his loaded hand gun to shoot this orange. They came back only a minute or two later. They were laughing and holding an orange full of holes.
I am not so sure this haphazard distraction was a solution to the issue - but it filled the dark hole of a moment and stopped its' festering. Somehow this approach was the best one and no amount of pondering or talking could have achieved the same result. How cool is that? How great is it that joy is so readily available through our friends and has such sadness-banishing power!
I am grateful for a husband who cares about people and serves others as they are Children of God. I'm glad he makes himself aware of needs beyond his own. Good thing he is quirky enough to do these things and provide humor to those of us who tend to take ourselves a little bit too seriously.
"You never know when someone
may catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word
or something you may do
may open up the windows
of a mind that seeks the light
The way you live may not matter at all
But you never know - it might.
And just in case it could be
that another's life, through you,
might possibly change for the better
with a broader and brighter veiw
It seems it might be worth a try
at pointing the way to the right
Of course, it may not matter at all,
But then again - it might."
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Things that inspire me and encourage Hope; The latest
"They could know for themselves things of the Spirit that are choice, precious, and capable of enlarging the soul, expanding the mind, and filling the heart with inexpressible joy." --- Joseph B. Wirthlin
"Jesus Christ is the way of peace. To the extent that we follow Him and incorporate His gospel in our lives will we be blessed and prospered." --- Hinckley
"The Priesthood is the power and authority delegated to man by our Heavenly Father. The authority and majesty of it are beyond our comprehension." ---David B. Haight
"And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father— That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God" --- Doctrine and Covenants 76